Kapsu's NetHome

Epical - the story...

Epical was founded in the summer -92. The main members were then Blizzard, FCS, HEGA, Kapsu and Phantom. Later on few members joined in and few leaved.

The survival Epical team still existing in our minds is HEGA, Kapsu and Mikki.

Our first release ever was Hoax-magazine, which was our main project in the PC-scene. I think one could say that it was a success story of its time. We also made few demos and intros, even won some prizes from Assembly parties! See the releases for information of our productions. My (Kapsu) main job has been graphics and public relations from the beginning. When time passed, HEGA took care of the graphics, so I took care of the PR-stuff and I was also running my board called Kotelo SBBS. Our latest release was a demo made for ASM'95 democompetition, RebelMind came 5th in that competition. After that we have been quite sleepy.

We are now 23-25 years old, working and studying, but sometimes... just sometimes... remembering the good old oldskool demoscene days.

We think, therefor we EXIST!


Kapsu of Epical
